The Joie Stadium is located within the Etihad Campus. The address is:
Joie Stadium
Etihad Campus
North Gate
400 Ashton New Road
M11 4TQ
You can find information on travelling to the Joie Stadium here.
Where is the nearest Tram Stop?
The Metrolink runs from the city centre from Manchester Piccadilly station to the Velopark stop and on towards Ashton. The journey time from Piccadilly Station takes 12 minutes.
Walking Route to the Joie Stadium:
You can walk from Manchester Piccadilly station to the Joie Stadium.
Where can I park?
Parking is free of charge in the Blue Car Park (M11 3DW)
From the Blue Car Park, head up Joe Mercer Way towards the Etihad Stadium and then round towards the South Stand to access the Joie Stadium via the Nexen Tyre Bridge.
Accessible parking is available at the Joie Stadium on a first-come-first-served basis. Accessible parking can be booked online or by contacting our Access Team either on 0161 444 1894, or by emailing
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